Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some Work-At-Home Ideas

Awhile back Good Morning America started a feature on Work-At-Home Jobs. Tory Johnson, founder and CEO of Women for Hire, is the Workplace Contributor for GMA and has offered some great pieces on the work-at-home life. She talks about different legit jobs that a work-at-home pursuitant could do to earn a living from home. In the feature she talks about Virtual Customer-Service Agents, Driving for Dollars, Transcription jobs, Concierge Services, Being a Culinary Consultant, and more.

Tory list things here that I would have never thought of, like the Driving for Dollars. This is where you can rent out a space on your car for advertisment or you can have your full car wrapped in the advertisment. I have seen cars like this driving around town but never thought of it as a money maker. According to her article you can find these positions by Googling "car wrap advertising". This seems to be a no effort job as long as you drive it around town while doing your errands.

There are sites like ChaCha and Just Answer that allows you to be a guide on subjects that you specialize in to help others. I have heard of these before but did not have any info about them. Apparently ChaCha is a search engine that offers live help from a guide that assist them in their searches. Just Answers is a site where experts answer questions that paying customers have. If you have a specialty or an expert on a subject this looks like it would be a great way to pick up some extra cash.

Are you fluent in a foreign language? If so, you can be a translator. This is a business that you can freelance your services too and set your own client base up with. If you are not wanting to work for yourself you can also become employed with companies that need translators frequently.

Tory also touched on the need for tutors. If you have a college degree or an expert in a subject in school you can start advertising locally and get hired per hour to help others in their studies. This could also be a rewarding job knowing that not only you are earning money but you are helping others while doing it.

Did you know there was a such thing as a Virtual Assistant? That's right, you can be a personal assistant online. Virtual Assistants can do bookeeping, travel arrangements, transcription, and any other administrative office need. There are sites online that you can apply to or you can promote your services yourself and be your own boss.

There are so many good work-at-home ideas that can help us work-at-home. Check out Tory's article at Good Morning America for all of her ideas and check her out at Women For Hire.

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