As promised, here is the next installment of Start Making Money For Christmas 2010. Today let’s talk about ways that you can make money offline. With the growing concern over the current job loss in the country, Christmas gifts and family meals are a luxury instead of just a tradition.
Do you have unused textbooks? If so, sell them. College students are always looking to get the best deal on their books for school. If you have ever went to college you know how expensive it can be. People sell textbooks on sites like eBay, Amazon,, and even at some campuses they have a bookstore that will buy them back.
Do you love to bake? Why not put out the word that you will bake for profit in your neighborhood. A lady in my community makes cakes on request from her customers. Granted it is a small operation, she still makes extra cash doing it. Last I heard, she was making around $100 extra a month. You can advertise your services amoung your friends and church members.
If you don’t mind cleaning houses, there is always someone looking for people to come clean theirs. You can advertise amoung your friends and family. A cousin of mine now cleans 4 houses a week and makes an extra $800 a month. She cleans them while her kids are in school and is home by the time they get off of the school bus.
You can make extra cash by having a yard sale. Post signs in the neighborhood to direct traffic to it and post an ad in your newspaper in town.
Become a tutor for extra money. There are parents that look for people who can help their children in math and English when their child is struggling. You can advertise in your local newspaper and get the word out by posting on local bulletin boards of your service. A friend does this and charges $15 an hour. It won’t make you rich but if you get a few clients you can make enough to make it worth the effort.
If you like kids, offer a babysitting service. If you put out the word in the neighborhood that you are available, they will come to you. Post a flyer on any bulletin boards and if you belong to a church or a mother’s group, tell them about it. I baby-sit for a few families in the neighborhood on the weekends. I don’t do it every weekend, but a couple times a month.
These are just some of the making money ideas that I have. I will post some more tomorrow. So stay tuned…