Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have You Made Your New Year's Resolution Yet?

Wow, 2009 has flew by so fast. Where did the time go? Isn't it funny how around this time everyone ask each other what their New Year's resolution is? The average person that makes a resolution very rarely acheives their goals that they set. A New Year's resolution is often forgotten within a week of the start of the New Year.

My personal New Year's resolution is to strive to make as much extra income this year that I can to reduce the remaining debt. I have had so much happen this year that threw my plans for the year off and I am back on track now and ready for 2010.

Do any of you have New Year's resolutions? Leave a comment and share it with all of us.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to eat LOTS more bacon this year..yup ..why the hell not...LMAO HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Sending many good luck Honks from Times Square !!
